Lecturer (assistant professorship), Anthroengineering
The Division of Mechanical Engineering and Design within the School of Engineering is seeking to appoint a Lecturer/Assistant Professor to conduct research and teach in anthroengineering (https://doi.org/10.1098/rsfs.2020.0056).
The School of Engineering, ranked 25th nationally in terms of research, has ambitious plans of grow and expand in the area of anthroengineering through, for example, the creation of dedicated lab spaces and the establishment of the world’s first MSc in Anthroengineering. The candidate is expected to start in time to aid in the delivery of this new MSc (Sept 2022).
The MSc will mostly involve biomechanics and design anthropology. Candidates with a range of backgrounds (anthropology, engineering, comparative biology, etc.) who combine engineering and anthropology in their research are encouraged to apply.
More on the anthroengineering MSc can be found in this announcement: https://physanth.org/news/3152/
More information on the job advert can be found here: https://jobs.lsbu.ac.uk/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID=781962AKzP&WVID=46197623lw&LANG=USA
If you have any questions, please email Michael Berthaume at berthaume [at] lsbu.ac.uk