Primate Health and Communication Field Course

Field Projects International is offering a field course on Primate Health and Communication, to be held in southeastern Peru. The focus will be mainly on the titi monkeys and tamarins present at our field site as we investigate primate behavior and social relationships, parasite ecology, vocal and olfactory communication, and other related topics.

FPI emphasizes field activities that promote direct inquiry and the hands-on application of classroom lectures. Participants will learn behavioral observation techniques and engage in data collection. This will include training in scan and focal sampling, using ethograms, collecting ecto-parasites, conducting playback experiments, and much more. Additionally, there will be exercises aimed as honing fundamental field biology skills such as orienteering and navigation, recording and analyzing spatial data, maintaining a field notebook, and using appropriate laboratory procedures.

While the days will be spent in the field, during the evenings there will be talks by experienced instructors, as well as investigators actively researching primates at this field site. Participants will also read and discuss selected literature on primate ecology and conservation issues relevant to the the Madre de Dios region of Peru.

Course Dates: June 5th – June 18th, 2017

Registration: Course size is limited, spots are filled on a rolling basis until April 17th, 2017

Course Fee: $2100 (includes meals, lodging, and transportation from Puerto Maldonado, Peru, to the field site and back)