Up Goer Five PhysAnth Edition

Could you explain your research using English’s ten hundred most common words? Some of our colleagues did this in the 2017 annual meeting’s session Up Gore Five PhysAnth Edition: Communicate Your Science Using English’s Ten Hundred Most Common Words (organized by Kim Valenta, and Katherine H. Bannar-Martin). See what happened and whether you think this is an effective way to communicate our science. (Spoiler alert – it’s fun!)

Dogs go places they are not from and eat weird animals in their homes: Reasons for fewer weird animals. K. VALENTA, Z.J. FARRIS, S. ZOHDY.

How to tell people who are from a place and people who are not from that place by how they are put in the ground after death and from things in their teeth. M.A. KATZENBERG, Am OFFENBECKER.

Why Eating Flies and other very tiny Animals was Probably Important to No-longer-living, Human-like Animals. J.J. LESNIK.
How Much Food do Animals Need to Walk, Run, and Climb? This Much. H. PONTZER.

Tiny Old Dead Human-Like Animals Found in Rocks and What They Tell Us about How Life Changes Over a Long Time. A.L. ATWATER, E.C. KIRK.

Are jumping tree animals getting smaller over time because humans catch and eat the larger ones? A.P. SULLIVAN, L.R. GODFREY, R. LAWLER, T. RYAN, G. PERRY.

The relationship between the soft pink things and the hard white things. K.N. RABEY, R. MOSKAL, K.G. HATALA, E. WILLIAMS-HATALA.

Little Green Men, Huge Angry People, and Across the Water Visits: Very Wrong Things People Say about Old Times in the New World. R.W. SMITH, J.A. RAFF.