An International Workshop for Women Biological Anthropologists: Mentoring and Work-Life Satisfaction

An International Workshop for Women Biological Anthropologists: Mentoring and Work-Life Satisfaction
Saturday, March 10, 2018, 9:00am-5:30pm at University of Cape Town, South Africa

Facilitated by:
Andrea B. Taylor, Ph.D., Professor and Co-Chair, AAPA Committee on Diversity Women’s Initiative
Rebecca Rogers Ackermann, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Human Evolution Research Institute

Registration and food are free for all participants. For details and to register please use the Eventbrite link:
For questions about the workshop please email Andrea Taylor (

Sponsored by: The Elsevier Foundation (New Scholars Program), American Association of Physical Anthropologists Committee on Diversity Women’s Initiative, Association for Women in Science, and University of Cape Town.