‘Bring Your Own Teeth’ a practical course on using teeth to investigate vitamin D deficiency

July30th – August 3rd 2018

This five-day practical course is aimed at researchers who plan to use teeth to learn more about vitamin D deficiency and wish to use radiological and histological assessment techniques developed at McMaster (see references). The course will teach participants how to make a dental thin section by hand and will discuss factors to consider in obtaining radiological images. Analytical techniques for assessment of both dental slides and x-ray images will be covered. Each participant must bring two teeth (deciduous and/or permanent) that will be prepared, analysed and discussed during the course.

The fees for the course are CAD$795 per person. Fees will cover costs associated with lab work. Costs associated with transportation, subsistence and accommodation are the responsibility of those who attend, and although an information sheet will be supplied attendees must make all their own arrangements. Spaces on the course are limited to ensure that all attendees receive individual attention and analysis of the teeth brought can be completed. The course is run ‘at cost’ and there are no discounts.

If demand exceeds the spaces available preference will be given to participants who have teeth to analyse, a planned program of research, and access to or the ability to obtain the required equipment. A list of lab equipment required to make dental thin sections can be supplied.

It is the responsibility of those who attend to ensure that they have the necessary permissions in place to bring the teeth they select to McMaster University and undertake destructive work.

Initial expressions of interest should be made by 16th Feb 2017 and confirmation of the allocation of places will begin on 1st March. Final confirmation will only be given following receipt of full payment. Participants are advised to consider taking out insurance; if a substitute attendee cannot be found it will not be possible to return fees in the event of non-attendance.

Those making an initial expression of interest are asked to provide a short statement on why they wish to attend, potential future use of the techniques covered, and confirmation that they have teeth to bring (max 200 words in total). It may be possible to offer places to those with a more general interest, but this will be determined on a case-by-case basis after the submission deadline.

For further information or make an expression of interest please email: anthdep@mcmaster.ca.

List of equipment and information on getting to and staying in Hamilton posted on ResearchGate as a Method

Techniques to be covered are described in:
D’Ortenzio, L. Ribot, I. Raguin, E. Schattmann, A. Bertrand, B. Kahlon, B. & Brickley, M. The Rachitic Tooth: The use of radiographs as a screening technique. In press. International Journal of Paleopathology.
D’Ortenzio, L. Ribot, I. Raguin, E. Schattmann, A. Bertrand, B. Kahlon, B. & Brickley, M. 2016. The Rachitic Tooth: A histological examination. Journal of Archaeological Science. 74:152-163.