Course Mapping Trait Evolution, June 4-8, Barcelona (Spain)

Registration is open for the second edition of the course “Mapping Trait Evolution”, June 4th-8th, 2018.

AAPA members have a 20 % discount on the course fee!

Instructor: Dr. Jeroen Smaers (Stony Brook University, USA).


Monday. (R packages: ape, Geiger).

Morning: Phylogenetic data.
– What is the basic structure of phylogenetic data?
– How to visualize and manipulate phylogenetic data?
Afternoon: Models of evolution.
– What are models of evolution?
– What are the assumptions of the different models of evolution?
– How are models of evolution utilized?

Tuesday. (R packages: ape, nlme, caper, evomap).
Morning: Phylogenetic regression.
– Assumptions, properties, and applications of the phylogenetic regression.
Afternoon: Phylogenetic ancova.
– Testing for grade shifts using the phylogenetic regression.

Wednesday. (R packages: phytools, motmot, geiger, ape, evomap, BayesTraits).
Morning: Ancestral estimation.
– Using models of evolution to estimate values of ancestral nodes.
Afternoon: Analysis of rates of evolution.
– Estimation of rates of evolution.
– Testing hypothesis about rates of evolution.

Thursday. (R packages: bayou, phylolm, surface, OUwie, mvMORPH).
Morning: Inferring the structure of a macroevolutionary landscape.
– Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models to map macroevolutionary patterns.
Afternoon: Testing the structure of a macroevolutionary landscape.
– Applications and assumptions of OU models.
– Using OU models to test macroevolutionary hypotheses.

Friday. (R packages: geomorph).
Morning: Modularity and integration.
– What is ‘phylogenetic’ modularity and integration?
– Applications and assumptions.
Afternoon: Case study.