Revised 2020 Washburn Forensic Anthropology Training Courses- Updated due to COVID

The Washburn University Forensic Anthropology Recovery Unit will be offering the following online courses this summer at a reduced rate. Please visit for more information and to register.

1) Human Skeletal Biology: Estimating the Biological Profile (33 hrs ABMDI/MO POST C.E.)- $450

The goal of this five-day short course (June 22-26,2020 – 8am to 5pm) is to familiarize students and professionals with the current methods used to estimate the biological profile (age, sex, ancestry, stature) of unknown individuals. Participants will be introduced to the classic and newest morphological and metric methods of identification for each biological profile parameter. Some topics to be covered include osteometrics/digitizing, using and interpreting Fordisc (Jantz and Ousley 2005), the Walker (2008)and Klales et al. (2012) sex methods, the Hartnett (2010) rib and pubis age methods, and newer programs like DSP, hefneR, Transition Analysis, and MorphoPASSE. The course involves extensive virtual labs with 3D models, supplemented by detailed lectures, presentations, and actual forensic case studies. This course has been approved for 33 hours of ABMDI and MO POST Continuing Education Hours. Attendance will be documented for continuing education hours credit, see course requirements below.

2) Identifying Human vs. Non-Human Bone – $100 (8 hrs MO POST)

This one-day (August 3, 2020 – 8am to 5pm) course is designed for law enforcement officers and crime scene investigators that often need to distinguish human from non-human bones. This one-day course will include lectures, virtual practicals, and mini-quizzes that will demonstrate how to differentiate human skeletal remains from non-bone materials and from non-human bones. No prior knowledge of human osteology is required.

Course requirements: 1) device (tablet, smartphone, computer, etc.) with reliable internet, microphone, AND camera, 2) free Zoom account (available here:, and 3) valid email address to be added to the online course module hosted via the Washburn website (Brightspace Desire2Learn). Please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.