Dmanisi Paleoanthropology Field School

Dmanisi Paleoanthropology Field School (DPFS) is a four-week field course in paleoanthropology at the site of Dmanisi, Georgia, offered annually by Georgian National Museum and University of Zurich. DPFS is a combination of theoretical course work and practical training. By the end of the course students will choose a research project and prepare final presentations.
The Field School is open to young scientists, archaeology and anthropology students.
The school is held at the Dmanisi Paleolithic site (village of Patara Dmanisi, 80 km from Tbilisi, Dmanisi Region, East Georgia) and students are accommodated in the camp near the archaeological site.

2015 field school dates: 20 Jul – 15 Aug

The applications for participation in the Dmanisi Paleoanthoropology Field School are being accepted from November 1 through April 25th. Maximum number of available places, 10.
For participation, please contact:

for more information see: