Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology, UWM’s anthropological journal, is now accepting papers for our seventh volume, to be published in the Spring.

Dear Anthropology Students,

Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology, UW-Milwaukee’s anthropological journal, is now accepting submissions for our seventh volume, to be published in the spring. The preliminary deadline for early editorial feedback is December 1, 2014. The final deadline is January 15, 2015.

If you have been working on original anthropological research and are interested in gaining experience in publishing a paper, Field Notes is an ideal opportunity to receive serious peer review and to publish in a journal recognized by the Library of Congress. We accept submissions from undergraduates and graduates from all disciplines, but all papers should address anthropological questions.

If you are planning on presenting at spring conferences, submitting the full version of your conference paper to Field Notes is an ideal way to receive
peer review prior to presenting. In addition, you will gain publication experience to complement your presentation experience, both of which are ideal for building a CV.

Field Notes accepts the following manuscript types:
Articles: Papers on original research conducted by the author. If the article is accepted and original research was undertaken involving living humans or animals, we may need to obtain IRB approval before publication. Submissions should be between 2500 and 8000 words (including references).

Book reviews: A critical summary and commentary analyzing the merits of a recently published book. Only books published in the last two years will be accepted. Submissions should be no more than 2500 words, including references.

Book review essays: Book review essays will compare and contrast two to three books on the same theme or subject area. The author will identify critical issues and assess the contributions of each book to understanding the topic in question. Submissions should be no more than 4000 words, including references.

To be considered as a book reviewer, submit a list of at least three books you are interested in reviewing (must be in your area of expertise) by November 15, 2014, to In addition, please briefly indicate why you consider yourself well suited to review the works you request. Even if you are only reviewing one book, we request a list of three in order to ensure that we receive one of the books from the publisher in a timely manner. All book reviewers will receive a complimentary copy of the book(s) as well as publishing experience.

Research Reports: Short interim reports on ongoing research projects. Reports can include preliminary findings as well as intended contributions to anthropological method or theory. Up to 5000 words, including references.

Current Debates: Short commentaries identifying and outlining a topical debate in anthropological method or theory. Authors will critically examine the issues involved and suggest future approaches. Up to 5000 words, including references.

All submissions should follow AAA style guidelines
( Each submission is limited to three images (at least 300 dpi quality) and ten total figures and tables.

To see past volumes of Field Notes, please see our site on the Anthropology Student Union at UW-Milwaukee webpage at:
You can also see our profile at:

Thank you for your interest and please feel free to contact Field Notes at with any questions.

Lara Ghisleni
Lindsey Helms
Jessica Skinner