Online live Course: Model-Based Statistical Inference in Evolutionary Biogeography (Online live), January 4-8.

Dear colleagues,

Registration is open for the Transmitting Science course “Model-Based Statistical Inference in Evolutionary Biogeography”.
Dates and Schedule: January 4th-8th. Monday to Friday (GMT+1, Spanish time zone): 08:00 to 12:00 am (online live lessons). The rest of the time will be taught through assignments, to be done between the live sessions.

AAPA members have a 20 % discount on the fee!

Instructor: Nick Matzke (University of Auckland, New Zealand)


– Intro to R and phylogenies
– How to read and use phylogenies
– A short history of historical biogeography methods and assumptions
– Likelihood-based statistical model choice
– Phylogenetic biogeography
– New probabilistic models for historical biogeography in BioGeoBEARS.
– Using BioGeoBEARS and interpreting results.
– Biogeographical stochastic mapping.
– Including geographical and environmental distance in models.
– Integrating biogeography with traits — trait-dependent dispersal
– Running analyses over multiPhylo objects (posterior distribution) and interpreting results.
– State-dependent Speciation/Extinction models (SSE) basics in R
– State-dependent Speciation/Extinction models (SSE) for large biogeography problems in Julia
– Integrating GIS & paleogeography data (e.g. Gplates)
– Help session for student projects.
– Wrap-up.

More information and registration: