Forensic Anthropology and Disaster Management

This course focuses on forensic anthropology and disaster management, and combines theoretical background with elaborate practical training.

Standard forensic anthropological procedures will be discussed, as well as new developments in the respective fields. The goal of this course is to provide both practicing beginner and experienced medico-legal experts insight and training in the field of forensic anthropology.

Organizing committee: B. Kubat PhD MD; R. Gerretsen MSc MD and M. van Wijk MSc.

Target group: Practicing medico-legal experts (beginners and experts)
Duration: Three successive days
Number of participants: 30-40
Course location and dates: NFI Field Lab, The Hague; 15-17 april 2015
Costs: €750,- per participant (no VAT)
Accreditation: Accreditation will be requested from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) UEMS (16 points).