Online Course Understanding Macroevolutionary Dynamics using RPANDA and jPANDA

Registration is open for the course “Understanding Macroevolutionary Dynamics using RPANDA and jPANDA”, October 4th-15th, 2021

Schedule: Online live sessions on 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13th, 15th from 14:00 to 17:00 (Madrid time zone)

Instructors: Dr. Hélène Morlon (IBENS, France), Sophia Lambert (IBENS / MNHN, France), Dr. Fabien Condamine (Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier, France), Dr. Ignacio Quintero (IBENS, France), Dr. Julien Clavel (CNRS, France), Dr. Jonathan Drury (Durham University, UK) and Dr. Benoit Perez-Lamarque (IBENS, France)

Course Overview:
Phylogenetic analyses are central for understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes shaping present-day biodiversity patterns.
In this course participants will learn phylogenetic analyses with the RPANDA R package. They will also have a quick introduction to Julia and to the jPANDA Julia package.
The RPANDA package contains tools for macroevolutionary analyses on phylogenetic trees, in particular for the analysis of diversification and trait evolution from comparative data.
The instructors will introduce the theory behind these analyses, run practicals with illustrative examples, and guide the interpretation of the output of these analyses.
This workshop is primarily intended for (but is not exclusive to) graduate students and postdocs. Participants are encouraged to bring their own phylogenetic datasets (with potentially matching trait, biogeographic and paleoenvironmental datasets).

More information and registrations: or writing to