Earn an Advanced Degree in Contemporary Human Anatomy Education

Eastern Virginia Medical School is now offering pathways for health professionals to become leaders in anatomy education. The Medical and Health Professions Education Doctoral Program (DMHPE) addresses the growing need for educators with advanced training in contemporary human anatomy education.
With an increased demand for new practitioners in medicine and allied health professions, the need for educators in the anatomical sciences has never been greater. Proficiency in anatomy is an essential skill for all healthcare practitioners. Changes in technology, curriculum, and even social perceptions in recent decades have led to a paradigm shift in the way the anatomical sciences are learned and taught. The anatomy educators of today must demonstrate the skills necessary to identify, develop, and implement best curricular practices in diverse academic settings.
Graduates of this concentration represent the next generation of anatomy educators who will join a rich scholarly heritage responsible for advancing the anatomical sciences into the future.

Courses are fully online and allow participants to engage with health professionals from multiple disciplines. Please visit our website to get more information on the DMHPE Contemporary Human Anatomy Education concentration and share this message with anyone on your team who is interested in becoming a leader in anatomy education.


You may contact:

Medical and Health Professions Program Director:
Dr. Peggy Gesing GesingME@evms.edu

Contemporary Human Anatomy Concentration Director:
Dr. Richard A. Gonzalez GonzalRA@evms.edu