Energetics in Anthropology Workshop

Join us May 2-3, 2022 for the Energetics in Anthropology workshop at Duke University!

This two-day workshop will bring together researchers in energy metabolism and anthropology to explore and discuss methods, applications and recent discoveries related to energetics in anthropology. Sessions will include a combination of methods demos, interactive research talks, and keynote speakers. We hope that this workshop will foster cross-disciplinary collaborations, and particularly encourage early career researchers to attend. Travel fellowships for early career and non-tenure track scholars will be available.

Please visit https://sites.duke.edu/pontzerlab/energetics-anthropology-workshop/ for additional information and to stay informed. Confirmed speakers include John Speakman (University of Aberdeen), Leanne Redman (Pennington Biomedical Research Center), Amy Luke (Loyola University Chicago), Cara Ocobock (University of Notre Dame), and Sam Urlacher (Baylor University).