Enamel hypoplasia workshop, Wednesday 25 March 2015, St Louis

Simon Hillson and Daniel Antoine are organising a workshop on Enamel Hypoplasia for the Dental Anthropology Association. It will be 10 am to 4 pm on 25 March at the AAPA annual meetings venue in St Louis, in a room to be announced. All are welcome, but please let Loren Leese (lrlease@ysu.edu) know if you wish to attend. A flier can be downloaded from https://sites.google.com/site/enamelhypoplasiaworkshop/.

The workshop will focus on:

1. Defects of enamel hypoplasia under the microscope
2. The developmental differences between furrow, plane and pit-form defects
3. Methods for recording furrow-form defects (by far the most common) from measurements of developmental markers at the crown surface
4. Methods for building finely detailed schedules of defect development by examination of microscope sections

It is intended for researchers at all stages, from students to more senior colleagues.