Applications now being accepted for the 2015 Summer Internship for Native Americans in Genomics (SING) Workshop

The Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will again host the Summer Internship for Native Americans in Genomics (SING) Workshop for 2015. The workshop will take place from August 2-9, 2015.

The goals of the workshop are to facilitate discussions of how genomics research is conducted and to create a support network for Native American students in the sciences. Additional instruction in fundamental concepts and methods in genomics and bioinformatics, including both theoretical aspects and practical laboratory- and computer-based training, will take place.

By combining ethical, legal, and social discussions surrounding historical Native American encounters with science and hands-on training in the latest genomics techniques and analytical programs, the workshop will help prepare participants for future leadership positions in science research and careers.

Applications are now being accepted at