Live Online course Introduction to RNA-seq bioinformatic pipelines, October 24-31, 2023

Registration is open for the online edition of the course “Introduction to RNA-seq bioinformatic pipelines”.

Dates and schedule: Online live sessions on 24, 26, 27, 30, and 31 October; 13:00 to 17:00 (Madrid time zone), plus 6 hours of participants working on their own.

More information and registrations:

Course Overview:
This is an introductory course aiming at guiding students through the execution of the most common pipelines used to analyze different types of data generated through RNA sequencing with NGS technologies.
The course focuses on the use of Linux-based software and tools and is oriented to graduates or postgraduates with a degree in Biomedical or Life Sciences. No previous experience working with Linux-based operating systems is required.
• Brief introduction to Linux
• Quality control and pre-processing of fastq files
• SAM format and samtools
• RNA-seq
• Small RNA sequencing
• LncRNA discovery