Special Collection on Scientific Racism – Call for Papers

Evolutionary Human Sciences is putting together a themed collection on scientific racism, and invites contributions which are broadly relevant to this topic. We are keen to include a diverse range of perspectives and authors; to include contributions from multiple disciplines including (but not limited to) genetics, history, anthropology, psychology and biology; and to include lived experiences to illustrate the many negative impacts of scientific racism. For much information please visit: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/evolutionary-human-sciences/announcements/call-for-papers/special-collection-on-scientific-racism

Deadline for papers is 15th December, but we encourage earlier submissions. Papers in EHS special collections are published online as soon as they’re accepted.

If you are considering submitting a paper, please get in touch with the editors, Ana Magdalena Hurtado, Abbey Page, Sarah Myers and Rebecca Sear, by emailing an outline or abstract for your proposed paper to ScientificRacismEHS@gmail.com.