AAPA 2015 Professional Development Grants

We had a strong set of applications for the 2015 Professional Development. Five proposals were funded, each in the amount of $5000. The five grantees for 2015 are:

Marin Pilloud , University of Nevada Reno
“Dental phenotypic variation in Neolithic Anatolia: identifying social structure and population movement in early farming societies”

Elizabeth Quinn, Washington University
“I breastfeed, therefore I aam”

Davide Ponzi, University of Chicago
“Role of Puberty in the Development of Chronotype in a Rural Caribbean Community”

Sharon Kessler, McGill University
“Mouse lemurs as potential sentinels and reservoirs of diseases”

Christopher Shaffer, Grand Valley State University
“Ethnoprimatology of the Konashen community owned conservation concession, Guyana”