NEW! Middle Stone Age NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates in Ethiopia

Announcing a new Research Experience for Undergraduates that combines a month of field work in the Middle Stone Age of Ethiopia with an additional month of museum-based research at the National Museum in Addis Ababa, or a month of laboratory-based research at one of several labs in the US with a focus in archaeology, paleoanthropology, paleontology, geochemistry, geology, archaeomagnetism, and chronology. Supporting Institutions: The University of Texas at Austin, University of Arkansas, Rutgers University, Southern Methodist University, INSTAAR, Illinois Geological Survey, and Addis Ababa University. Students will be recruited from a mix of two- and four-year US colleges with a general preference for students at the beginning of their college career. The project will pay for all expenses* associated with the field work, museum or laboratory research, and travel to and participation in a national meeting. In addition, students will receive a stipend for their month of field work and month of museum or laboratory research. Funded by the National Science Foundation and the Leakey Foundation. For more information and an application, please send an email to:
*Students are responsible for providing their own passport and paying for any required inoculations and medications. They must carry their own health insurance.