Paleoecology Symposium

This September 10-12, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Case Western Reserve University are organizing a symposium on “Latest Methods in Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments and Ecological Communities.” This event will include: a public keynote presentation by Dr. John Flynn of the American Museum of Natural History on September 10 and a research workshop by 16 invited presenters on September 11-12, which also includes a poster session. This is an open invitation to students and faculty to attend the symposium and to submit abstracts for the poster session. There is no registration fee to attend the symposium, but attendees must register by by August 15, 2015 for planning purposes. The deadline for submitting an abstract for the poster session is June 1st. We will award travel grants of $200 each to ten student poster presenters. Additional information about these events, registration and submitting abstracts for the poster session is available at: