
Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology, UW-Milwaukee’s anthropological journal, is now accepting submissions for Volume 8, to be published in the spring. The preliminary deadline for early editorial feedback is December 15, 2015. The final deadline is January 15, 2016.

If you have been working on original anthropological research and are interested in gaining experience in publishing a paper, Field Notes is an ideal opportunity to receive serious peer review and to publish in a journal recognized by the Library of Congress. We accept submissions from undergraduates and graduates from all disciplines, but all papers should address anthropological questions.

Field Notes accepts the following manuscript types: Articles, Research Reports, Current Debates, Book Reviews, and Book Review Essays. Additional information and paper submission details can be found on our academia page: http://uwm.academia.edu/FieldNotesAJournalofCollegiateAnthropology.

To see past volumes of Field Notes, please visit our site on the Anthropology Student Union’s webpage at: http://www4.uwm.edu/StudentOrg/asu/Field_Notes.html.

Thank you for your interest and please feel free to contact Field Notes at fldnotes@uwm.edu with any questions.

Lara Ghisleni
Lindsey Jo Helms Thorson
Jessica Skinner