Bioarchaeology of Children / Juvenile Osteology Laboratory Research Workshop (Transylvania, Romania)

The aim of this project is to evaluate to what extent and how these major political events (such as the medieval collapse of the Eastern European frontier, the Ottoman invasion of Europe, the spread of both the Reformation and Counter-Reformation) impact physically local populations, especially the children. The very good preservation of the medieval osteological material and the high quality of the recovery during excavation provides a unique opportunity for a very intensive hands-on laboratory experience while working with juvenile osteological remains. The workshop will provide participants with an intensive review of juvenile osteology and an overview of the ways in which this kind of unique information is interpreted by bioarchaeologists. Topical areas to be included involve the following subject areas: an overview of the bioarchaeology of children, growth and development, weaning and dietary stress, juvenile trauma and pathology, and reconstruction and interpretation of infant mortality. Moreover, seminars and lectures will introduce how novel technological applications (i.e., histology, CT imaging) have been utilized by bioarchaeologists who study juvenile remains.

Project Director: Dr. Jonathan Bethard, Boston School of Medicine (Forensic Program)
Dates: July 3 – July 30, 2016
Location: Odorheiu Secuiesc, Harghita (Transylvania), Romania