Ethics Committee is now a Standing Committee: Scope & News

The Ethics Committee is happy to announce that it is now a standing committee, thereby formalizing the scope and mission of the Committee within the AAPA. The Ethics Committee page is available here:

The Ethics Committee is a non-adjudicative body whose purpose is to promote ethics literacy among AAPA members and to advise the AAPA Executive Committee on ongoing and emerging issues.

The Ethics Committee is also available to serve as a sounding board for members who encounter ethical challenges in their study and practice of anthropology. If you would like to speak with someone about an issue and obtain guidance in reasoning through an ethical problem, you can contact any member of the Ethics Committee. Being a non-adjudicative body, the ethics committee will not hear grievances or resolve disputes.

We recently issued a call to all AAPA members for examples of ethical issues (i.e., actual scenarios that have been encountered) to be developed into case studies. These case studies will be the foundation of a new set of educational resources to facilitate integration of ethical inquiry into all levels of anthropological training. Please consider contributing! The deadline is May 31st, 2016.

The Ethics Committee has now launched an Ethics Fellows Program as part of its overarching goal to increase ethical literacy and capacity within the AAPA. The Ethics Committee selected Jennifer Eyre of New York University and Kristina Zarenko of the University of South Carolina as the inaugural 2016-2017 AAPA Ethics Fellows. Please join us in congratulating them.

For next year’s annual AAPA meeting, the Ethics Committee would like to highlight any papers, posters, and sessions that incorporate ethics components and encourage attendance when appropriate. As you develop your plans for next year’s annual meeting, please let the Ethics Committee know if your plans involve a significant ethics component.

A number of ethics resources, including links to codes of ethics for organizations relevant to biological anthropologists, have been assembled on the AAPA website.

See this page.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the Ethics Committee, please contact us:
Jennifer Wagner and Graciela Cabana, Ethics Committee Co-Chairs