A Workshop for Women Biological Anthropologists

A Workshop for Women Biological Anthropologists: Mentoring and Work-Life Satisfaction
Saturday October 8, 2016 – 9 am to 5 pm
at the University of Colorado, Boulder

Facilitated by:
Donna J. Dean, Ph.D – and – Cindy Simpson, M.Ed, CAE
Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

This day-long workshop will be based on material that AWIS has developed for and delivered to STEM women groups, both academic and non-academic. The AAPA Committee on Diversity’s Women’s Initiative has offered workshops at the AAPA meetings over the past three years for women biological anthropologists at different career stages. AWIS has customized and combined two of their nationally recognized workshops (on mentoring and work-life satisfaction) to address those issues identified by prior AAPA workshop participants as being especially important to women biological anthropologists. We welcome participants of all ranks, graduate students to full professors. Thanks to the Elsevier Foundation, we are able to offer some funds to assist in attending this workshop (all paid on a reimbursement basis); most awards will be $200 or less, but all requests are considered. Please complete the relevant portion of the registration form to be considered for an award.

Registration and food is free, limited to 30 participants, and closes on September 30 or when full. Please use the Eventbrite link to register and find more information about the workshop format and location.

Sponsored by: The Elsevier Foundation (New Scholars Program), American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) Committee on Diversity, Association for Women in Science (AWIS), and CU Boulder Department of Anthropology