The AAPA Non-Binding Name Change Survey is now live!

At the AAPA business meeting at the 87th Annual Meeting in Austin Texas (Friday, April 13, 2018)
the Executive Committee stated its intention to hold a non-binding survey of
all AAPA members to assess their opinions on whether the AAPA should change its
name, and if so what that name should be. 

The intent of this survey is to allow ALL members (Regular, Student, Special) to express their opinion on
this important issue.

Please review the
arguments for and against a name change for our association and participate in
the survey here

The survey will be open until November 30, 2018.

Based on the
outcome of this survey the following actions will be taken:

This survey
will help to decide the future of our association. Please participate now and
make your voice heard!

Leslie Aiello

President, American Association of
Physical Anthropologists