National Academies Report on the Value of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences to National Priorities

At the request of the National Science Foundation the
National Academies have produced a report on “The Value of Social,Behavioral, and Economic Sciences to National Priorities.” It makes interesting


The report offers
recommendations to better enable SBE research to meet the nation’s
priorities—for example, urging NSF to undertake a strategic planning process to
articulate the most important scientific questions in SBE disciplines and to
prepare the next generation of scientists to be more data intensive,
interdisciplinary, and team oriented. NSF should also undertake more systematic
efforts to communicate the results and value of the SBE research it supports.


The AAPA will be involved,
along with the other relevant academic associations, in the strategic planning
process. In the meantime, please let us have any ideas about how the AAPA can
help in communicating the results and value of our research.