Submitted: 07/07/2024
Department: Physical Therapy
Institution: Clarkson University
Job type: Full time
Apply by: 15/08/2024
Application URL:

The Physical Therapy Department in the Lewis School of Health Sciences at Clarkson University invites applicants to apply for a full-time core faculty position as an Assistant Professor (teaching-track) Anatomist. This appointment is for a full-time, 10-month position, starting in August 2024. Applications will be reviewed starting 15 July 2024. The position is not tenurable, but includes a promotion path to Associate Professor and Professor ranks. The successful candidate will have the ability to teach graduate physical therapy and occupational therapy level gross human anatomy and physiology didactically and in the Lewis School’s on-site cadaver lab. They will also mentor graduate student capstone projects. In addition, responsibilities will include advising students and service to the department, school, and university. The successful candidate will collaborate with the other anatomists on preparing the lab and cadavers each semester while maintaining the daily operations for the facility. The teaching load for this position is 19 credits per academic year, distributed across trimesters. Candidates must have a doctorate or equivalent degree in anatomy or a related field and be able to perform cadaveric dissections as well as guide students though the process in lab. The ideal candidate will have strong evidence of excellence in teaching at the graduate level and the ability to work in partnership with department chairs and program directors in continually improving the anatomy curriculum to meet the needs of health sciences students.