Greenleaf Scholar-in-Residence
Visiting Professor, Stone Center, Tulane University
Tulane University invites applications from mid-career scholars in Latin American Studies conducting interdisciplinary research in the social sciences to spend one or two semester(s) as a Greenleaf Scholar-in-Residence at the Stone Center for Latin American Studies during the 2018-2019 academic year. We seek scholars who address questions of social and gender inclusion, particularly with regard to the reduction of economic, environmental, health or other inequalities. We encourage applications from scholars in the fields of anthropology, development studies, economics, environmental studies, international studies, law, political science, public health, social medicine or sociology. Appointments for fall semester are from August 1 – December 31, 2018. Appointments for spring semester are from January 1– May 31, 2019. Salary is $40,000 per semester plus benefits. Travel and moving expenses are not supported.
Qualifications: Minimum Associate Professor status or above and a distinguished record of publication.
Application Instructions: Applications must be submitted via Interfolio by visiting Please submit a CV including contact information for two professional references, as well as a cover letter describing how residence at Tulane will aid in advancing your research. Also, please provide a title and brief description of a course (or courses) you would be interested in offering. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2017, but the position will remain open until filled.
Tulane University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. All eligible candidates are invited to apply for position vacancies as appropriate.