The Department of Anthropology at California State University, Sacramento invites candidates for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Biological Anthropology to begin Fall 2018. Salary is dependent upon qualifications and professional experience. This position consists of classroom teaching, research and scholarly activity, student advising and institutional and community service/contributions. We seek a broadly trained biological anthropologist specializing on primate behavior and/or ecology and primate fieldwork with an active research agenda leading to conference presentation(s) and/or peer-reviewed publication(s). S/he must demonstrate teaching experience and potential for excellence with a commitment and capacity to prepare students for a career in Anthropology through instruction and research and contribute to the diversity of the institution. The candidate’s topical and research specialization is open, but the research program must have be rigorous and have a solid foundation in evolutionary theory in Biological Anthropology and scientific approaches to anthropology.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Anthropology. ABD candidates will be considered, but must have completed the doctoral degree by August 2018. The successful individual will contribute to the University mission to strengthen and support education in STEM disciplines as manifested through the following required expectations: Teach large sections of lower division major/general education courses in Introduction to Biological Anthropology (with an interest in online course design) and Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory, teach existing upper division major courses in Primate Behavior and Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology, a Core Graduate Seminar in Biological Anthropology and develop courses in their specialty in support of the major and the Archaeology and Biological Anthropology (ABA) Concentration. Additionally, s/he will be expected to continue engaging in original research and disseminate research through conference presentations, peer-reviewed publications, and other means. The hire will supervise graduate students and master’s level instructors of the Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory course; perform department, college and university service, including student advising, in keeping with department guidelines and work collaboratively with Biological Anthropology and Archaeology faculty to support and contribute to the department as part of the ABA concentration.
Sacramento State has a strong commitment to social and workplace diversity, and welcome applications from underrepresented groups. Applicants should submit a cover letter outlining their research interests, scholarship, and teaching background; a curriculum vita, including contact information for three referees on last page of CV; teaching effectiveness by submitting syllabi for two proposed courses as a single PDF; and unofficial transcripts. Review of applications will begin January 8, 2018 and the position will remain open until filled. Materials received by this date will be given full consideration. For full job description, requirements, and application, go to