(Recruitment Number 90310915)

Washburn University’s Sociology & Anthropology Department invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Anthropology, with a specialization in forensic anthropology, beginning August 2016, for our new Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology (Forensics Concentration). This position is a 9-month, tenure-track appointment. A completed Ph.D. is required for the tenure-track appointment.

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Ph.D. in Anthropology with an emphasis in Biological Anthropology; ABD applicants will be considered. (2) Demonstrated evidence of teaching experience and active research agenda.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Anthropology Certification; (2) a research agenda in forensic anthropology, bio-archaeology, or skeletal biology; and (3) university-level teaching in at least one of the following areas: forensic anthropology; osteology; excavation and archaeological field methods with experience in lab and online classes.

RESPONSIBILITIES: This degree is the first Bachelor-level Forensic Anthropology concentration in Kansas. The successful candidate will be part of Washburn University’s growing forensics unit, and will teach classes, and enjoy dedicated lab space, in the new state-of-the-art Kansas Bureau of Investigation Forensic Science Center (opening November 2015) located on Washburn’s campus. Opportunities also exist for collaborating with faculty of the other forensic programs – biology, chemistry, criminal justice, and computer science; as well as with KBI forensic scientists. The new hire will teach four courses per semester (usually two lower and two upper-division courses), which may include Introduction to Forensic Science, Human Osteology, Forensic Anthropology, and Excavation Methods & Forensic Analysis. The successful candidate will have demonstrated a strong commitment to undergraduate education, interdisciplinary work, and active research program involving undergraduates.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Review of applications begins November 2, 2015 and continues until a suitable candidate is identified. Send cover letter, vita, evidence of teaching excellence, copies of transcripts, and names/address/phone/e-mail of three professional references to Ms. Tammy Schlingmann at tammy.schlingmann@washburn.edu (use “forensic anthropology search” in the subject line). Only electronic application materials will be accepted. Questions may be sent to Dr. Mary Sundal, Search Committee Chair, at mary.sundal@washburn.edu. The successful candidate will be required to submit to a background check prior to hire and to submit official transcripts. Washburn University is an EOE. To enrich education through diversity, candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. http://www.washburn.edu