The Biology Department at Misericordia University invites applications for a full time, tenure-track faculty at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level beginning in August 2015. The successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. in the biological sciences or closely related discipline. The candidate is expected to actively involve undergraduate students in research and display a demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. Individuals with expertise in EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY are especially encouraged to apply. Teaching expectations include upper level courses in the applicant’s area of specialty and other courses as needed. For confidential consideration, please enclose in your application package a letter of application which includes your telephone number and e-mail address, curriculum vitae, official transcripts, statement of teaching philosophy and three letters of reference via e-mail to or by mail to Misericordia University, Human Resources Department, 301 Lake Street, Dallas, Pennsylvania, 18612. Inquiries only should be directed to: Dr. Cosima Wiese, Associate Professor of Biology, Search Committee Chair; e-mail: The deadline for completed applications is December 10, 2014