The School of Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology invites those with potential for excellence in research and teaching to apply for consideration as an Assistant Professor in Biological Anthropology. This position is a continuing, tenure track, 9-month appointment to start August 16, 2024. Tenure will be housed in the School of Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The selected candidate will participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching, engage in scholarly research, and provide School/University service appropriate to their academic rank.
Minimum Qualifications:
Doctoral degree in Anthropology, Biology, Anatomy, or a related discipline. ABD applicants will be considered if all requirements for the PhD will be completed by August 15, 2024. If all degree requirements are not completed by August 15, 2024, a term, non-tenure track appointment may be offered in accordance with university policy ( -faps/conting.php).
Specialization in Biological Anthropology.
In addition to the degree requirement, applicants must demonstrate the following:
A potential to develop a strong program of individual scholarship
Evidence of an active research agenda.
Demonstrated ability to teach
Commitment to working with students from diverse backgrounds such as racial and ethnic minorities, women, individuals who identify as LGBT+, individuals with disabilities, individuals from lower income backgrounds, and/or first-generation or otherwise underserved college students.
Preferred Qualifications:
Candidates who have experience working with a diverse range of faculty, staff, and students and who can contribute to the climate of inclusivity are encouraged to identify their experiences in these areas in their cover letter.
Candidates who demonstrate a commitment to broadly focused training in anthropology at the undergraduate level to prepare graduates for the diverse career paths available to biological anthropologists.
Candidates whose research includes forensic anthropology, bioarcheology, medical anthropology, or skeletal biology.
Candidates with the capacity to complement the department’s current strengths in Biological Anthropology.
General Information:
Special instructions for applicants: applications must be submitted online at Please visit to create an account and apply. A cover letter is required and should be uploaded to the application along with a curriculum vitae, a writing sample, a statement of teaching philosophy, (both uploaded as document type “other”), and an unofficial copy of transcripts. Please list three references on the application including their telephone number and email address. If requested by the search committee, references will be sent an email to upload a letter of reference. Please advise your references that the email will come from
Contact: Tobin Grant
Security/Safety Sensitive: N/A
Deadline to Apply: 11/22/23
SIU Carbondale, member of the SIU System, is an anti-racist community that opposes racism, discrimination and inequity in any form, and embraces diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice for all people.
SIU Carbondale is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer of individuals with disabilities and protected veterans that strives to enhance its ability to develop a diverse faculty and staff and to increase its potential to
serve a diverse student population. All applications are welcomed and encouraged and will receive consideration.
Please use the following link to apply