Call for Executive Committee Nominations (Deadline: October 15, 2024)

Executive Committee Positions: The Executive Committee manages the affairs of the association. The committee meets in person once a year, immediately before the Annual Meeting, and virtually as required throughout the year. Each committee member is tasked with a specific responsibility (listed below for the current Executive Committee). More information about the role of the Executive Committee and of the Membership and Credentials Committee can be found in the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.

Treasurer (Four-Year Term)

The Treasurer is responsible for drafting and overseeing the AABA annual budget, maintaining financial records, creating an annual Financial Report, and working with other ExComm members and BAI on all fiscal matters.

Eligibility: Nominees must be AABA Regular Members in good standing. The Treasurer should ideally have prior experience in serving on the AABA Executive Committee. Any AABA member (student, regular, or special) may submit a nomination. Self nominations are encouraged. To check a nominee’s membership status, login here  and navigate to the “AABA Member Directory.”

Chair, Professional Development

The Chair of the Professional Development Committee administers an annual workshop at the AABA conference and runs the Cobb Professional Grant Award Program. This position serves a 3-year term starting in March 2025. All nominees must be Regular AABA Members (please check the membership database before nominating). 

Chair, Membership

The Chair of the Membership Committee receives and processes AABA membership applications. This position serves a 3-year term starting in March 2025. All nominees must be Regular AABA Members (please check the membership database before nominating).

Nomination Slate:
 From the proposed eligible nominees, the AABA Nominations Committee, chaired by Dr. Anne Stone will seek input from the Executive Committee regarding the slate of nominees and recommend to the Executive Committee two candidates per position and alternates for the official ballot. The AABA Nominations Committee Chair will contact potential candidates in advance of the ballot to obtain their willingness to run.  

 A link to the online ballot will be emailed to Regular Members in January. The poll closes in late February.

To Submit a Nomination:

Current AABA Executive Committee (ExComm) members

Committee duties, if any, are in parentheses following the job title. 

Leslea Hlusko: President

Anne Stone: President-Elect

Amy Rector: Vice President

Jonathan Bethard: Treasurer

Kristi Lewton: Secretary

Trudy Turner: Editor, American Journal of Biological Anthropology

Graciela Cabana and Sheela Athreya: Editors, Yearbook of Biological Anthropology

Stephanie Meredith: ExComm Member (Membership)

Kevin Hatala: ExComm Member (Student Programs)

Ashley Hammond: ExComm Member (History & Honors)

Lauren Schroeder: ExComm Member (Professional Development)