2018 Business Meeting Agenda

American Association of Physical Anthropologists

Eighty-Seventh Annual Meeting

Austin, Texas, April 13, 2018

6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Zilker 4, Hyatt Regency Hotel

Call to Order                                                               Leslie Aiello

Approval of 2017 Meeting Minutes                        AJPA 165: 378–408

AAPA Reports – Presentations

AAPA Committee Reports Written* – (questions accepted from the floor)

Nominations and Elections (Susan Antón), Career Development (Nate Dominy) Diversity (Susan Antón) History and Honors (Anne Stone), Student Affairs (Leslea Hlusko), Ethics (Graciela Cabana & Jen Wagner), Repatriation (Ben Auerbach), Website (Ed Hagen); Auction (Josh Snodgrass and Myra Laird),  Education (Briana Pobiner), Science Policy Committee (Karen Strier, Dennis O’Rourke)

Award Presentations                                         

Affiliated Organizations

Old Business

 New Business

 Adjournment                                                 Leslie Aiello

written reports: ^provided at meeting; *posted online and link emailed to 2018 membership in advance of meeting