2019 Business Meeting Agenda

American Association of Physical Anthropologists

Eighty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Convention Center, Ballroom A, Cleveland, Ohio, March 29, 2019

Call to Order                                                     Leslie Aiello

Approval of 2018 Meeting Minutes             AJPA 168, 388-416

AAPA Reports – Presentations

AAPA Committee, Affiliate, and Other Reports Written* – (questions accepted from the floor)

Secretary (Graciela Cabana), Nominations & Elections (Anne Grauer), Career Development (Nate Dominy), Diversity (Susan Antón), History & Honors (Robin Nelson), Student Programs (Christina Torres-Rouff), Ethics (with attachments I, II, III)  (Robert Anemone), Repatriation (Ben Auerbach), Website (Ed Hagen); Auction (Shara Bailey & Madelynne Dudas), Education (Briana Pobiner), Data Access (Connie Mulligan & Trudy Turner), Science Policy (Dennis O’Rourke & Karen Strier), AAAS Affiliate (Karen Strier). 

Award Presentations 

Old Business

Affiliated Organizations

New Business

In Memoriam and Resolutions                                      Anne Grauer

Adjournment                                                                    Leslie Aiello

Written reports: ^provided at meeting; *posted online and link emailed to 2019 membership in advance of meeting.