
The AAPA Ethics and Science Policy Committees need your help!

Leslie Aiello

What are the major issues affecting you and your research, and specifically how can the Ethics Committee and the Science Policy Committee better support you?[...]


Ethics Case Studies

Graciela Cabana & Jen Wagner

The Ethics Committee is pleased to provide the first of many ethics case studies! These case studies were developed by our Ethics Fellows from actual[...]

AAPA Ethics Fellows Program 2018-2019

Graciela Cabana & Jennifer Wagner

Applications are now being accepted for the AAPA Ethics Fellows Program for the 2018-2019 programmatic year. The fellowship is a valuable professional development opportunity for[...]


Applications due for AAPA Ethics Fellows Program 2017-2018

Jen Wagner & Graciela Cabana

Applications are now being accepted for the AAPA Ethics Fellows Program for the 2017-2018 programmatic year. The fellowship is a valuable professional development opportunity for[...]

Ethics Committee is now a Standing Committee: Scope & News

Graciela Cabana

The Ethics Committee is happy to announce that it is now a standing committee, thereby formalizing the scope and mission of the Committee within the[...]

Call for Case Studies in Ethics

Graciela Cabana

The Ethics Committee of the AAPA is developing educational resources for a new section on the AAPA website to provide information and training tools about[...]

AAPA Ethics Fellows Program

AAPA Ethics Committee

The AAPA Ethics Committee has launched an Ethics Fellows Program for the 2016-2017 programmatic year. The fellowship is a valuable professional development opportunity for AAPA[...]

Trudy Turner — New Editor of AJPA

Leslie Aiello

The AAPA Executive Committee and Paul-André Genest, Senior Editor at Wiley Publishers, are pleased to announce that Trudy Turner will become the next editor of the[...]


The workshop registration portal is now open

Leslie Aiello

We have a number of exciting and varied workshops lined up for the Cleveland meeting. The complete list of workshops is available here. Eight of[...]

Videos of the AAAS/AAPA symposium on “Biological Anthropology and Dialogue with Diverse Publics” are now available.

Leslie Aiello

At the 87th Annual Meeting of the AAPA in Austin Texas in April 2018, the AAPA and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences[...]


Register NOW for workshops at the Austin meeting

Leslie Aiello

A number of workshops, training events and discussion panels will be held at the Austin meetings. These range from methods workshops to discussion sessions on[...]


AAPA Addresses Sexual and Other Harassment

Susan Anton

AAPA Addresses Sexual and Other Harassment To foster a community of inclusion and respect in which we can focus all of our attention on our[...]


AAPA Executive Committee endorses this statement on sexual harassment and assault

Susan Anton

The AAPA Executive Committee endorses this statement on sexual harassment and assault, which will be brought to the AAPA membership during the 2016 business meeting[...]