Reports and Resources

Demographic Reports
A main goal of the COD is to assess disciplinary demographics to lay a foundation for understanding disciplinary needs and assessing the influence of committee programs on these demographics.  Special focus is placed on the inclusiveness and equity of the discipline.

Program demographic survey
The first surveys conducted by the …

Yearbook Publication on Bioanthropology Demographics and the IDEAS Program
The AAPA Committee on Diversity (COD) was conceived as a means of assessing and improving diversity within the discipline.  In 2017  Susan Antón, Ripan Malhi and Agustín Fuentes published a paper in the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology that  provides recent demographic data on the discipline and discusses the background and …

Annual Reports of the Committee on Diversity

Broader Impacts in the context of NSF Funding and the Science of Biological Anthropology

COD-AACT Committee Report on Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) and Best Practices for Student Evaluations

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