The AAPA, PPA, and HBA meeting hotel,  the  Hilton  Cleveland  Downtown (100  Lakeside  Ave  East, Cleveland, OH 44114), is now full.

The overflow hotel is The Westin Cleveland Downtown (777 St Clair Ave NE, Cleveland, OH 44114), which is a short walk from the meeting venues (the Hilton down town and the adjoining Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland (300 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113).

The Westin is a short walk from the AAPA, PPA, and HBA meeting venues.

To book you room at the reduced AAPA, PPA, and HBA rate of $159/per night click here.  Alternatively you can make your reservations by phone at  1-888-627-8085. Rooms can be booked at the Westin at the reduced rate between March 27 and March 30, 2019. 

Please note that to secure your sleeping room you must provide a valid credit card along with a first night’s  deposit refundable up to 2 days in advance of your arrival date. All credit cards used to prepay the room deposit will be charged immediately. The deadline for the AAPA reduced pricing is March 5, 2019.

Are you interested in sharing a room at the AAPA meeting to cut down on expenses? Use the AAPA Room Sharing page to find a roommate:

*Please remember to answer the screening question (your AAPA membership number)!

If you are having problem making reservations please contact Lori Strong at [email protected] for assistance.

Copyright © 2024 American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University