You may submit your application for this workshop here. The deadline for applications is February 22, 2019. 

Mentoring the Mentor:  A Mentor-Training Workshop. Day/Time: Wed, March 27, all day (8AM-2PM); Description: The AAPA Committee on Diversity Women's Initiative in conjunction with the AAPA Professional Development Committee, are co-sponsoring a workshop with the goal of providing training in mentoring best practices. Organizers: Robin M. Bernstein, U of Colorado – Bolder ([email protected]), Andrea B. Taylor, Touro University ([email protected]),  Nathaniel J. Dominy, Dartmouth University ([email protected]).  You must apply to attend this workshop


Description: There is ample evidence that mentoring plays an important role in achieving a satisfying and successful career in academia.  While most in academia find themselves in the role of mentor at some point in their career, few have had formal training in best practices for mentoring, particularly in the context of mentoring women and underrepresented minorities.


The AAPA is committed to improving association-wide access to, and training for, mentors. To that end, the AAPA Committee on Diversity Women's Initiative in conjunction with the AAPA Professional Development Committee, are co-sponsoring a workshop with the goal of providing training in mentoring best practices. This workshop will be facilitated by Kelly Diggs-Andrews, PhD, CEO and Founder of Diggs-Andrews Consulting LLC.  Dr. Diggs-Andrews is a Certified Trainer, Facilitator and Mentor Trainer from the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER; She is also a Master Facilitator of in-person and virtual workshops for the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). Dr. Diggs-Andrews earned her BS in Biology from Alabama State University (2005) and her PhD in Biology and Biomedical Sciences from Washington University in St. Louis (2010). She was also the recipient of the NIH-Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Chancellor’s Diversity Graduate Fellowship, and a National Cancer Institute Postdoctoral Supplement. In her previous role, she served as the Education and Mentoring Fellow with the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and spearheaded an NSF-funded program to develop ASM’s mentoring capacity to advance investigator-educator collaborations and interdisciplinary research as well as broaden participation of underrepresented individuals in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.


Themes to be covered in the workshop will include: aligning expectations, maintaining effective communication, cultivating ethical behavior, and addressing equity and inclusion.


Audience: This workshop is targeted for any AAPA member in good standing at the rank of Postdoctoral Scholar, Assistant, Associate or Full Professor (or commensurate experience).

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Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University