2025 Business Meeting Agenda and Reports

American Association of Biological Anthropologists
94th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
Business meeting and awards presentations
6:30-8:00 PM, Grand Ballroom, Salon V

Agenda for the 2025 Annual Business Meeting

Minutes of the 93rd Annual Meeting in Los Angeles (published as Proceedings in AJBA)

The following reports are shared in advance of the Business Meeting scheduled for March 14, 2025. These include written reports of the 2024-2025 activities of AABA Officers, Committees, and AABA affiliates, as well as reports from the Editors-in-Chief of the AJBA and the Yearbook. Officer reports will be presented at the Business Meeting.

Officer Reports
President’s Report: Leslea Hlusko
President-Elect’s Report: Anne Stone
Vice President’s Report: Amy Rector
Treasurer’s Report: Jonathan Bethard
Secretary’s Report: Kristi Lewton

Editor Reports
AJBA Editor’s Report: Trudy Turner
Yearbook Editors’ Report: Graciela Cabana & Sheela Athreya

Standing & Ad Hoc Committees and Affiliate Reports (in alphabetical order)
AAAG: Ainash Childebayeva
AAAS: Denise Su
Auction Committee: Anne Grauer and Amy Rector
BAS-AAA: Robin Nelson
Committee on Diversity: Susan Anton
Early Career Liaison: Nicole Torres-Tamayo
Education Committee: Rob O’Malley & Kate McGrath
Elections Committee: Anne Stone
ESHE: Katerina Harvati
HCARE: Agustin Fuentes
History & Honors Committee: Ashley Hammond
Media and Communications Committee: Kristi Lewton
Membership Committee: Stephanie Meredith
National Science Foundation: Rebecca Ferrell
Professional Development Committee: Lauren Schroeder
Student Liaison: Luke Fannin
Student Programs Committee: Kevin Hatala
The Leakey Foundation: H. Gregory
Wenner-Gren Foundation: Danilyn Rutherford

These reports will be compiled and published as part of the Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists in the American Journal of Biological Anthropology.