
Middle Paleolithic Field School in North Macedonia

Sarah A Lacy

The Neanderthal Crossroads Project is the first Middle Paleolithic field school in the Balkan region. Students will learn trench excavation at the site of Uzun[...]


Course Geometric Morphometrics in R, January 20-24, Barcelona (Spain).

Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno

Dear colleagues, Registration is opened for Transmitting Science course ‘GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS IN R-7th edition’. Dates: January 20th-24th, 2019. Instructor: Dr. Julien Claude (Institut des Sciences[...]


2020 UNB Bioarchaeology Field School

Amy Scott

The 2020 UNB Bioarchaeology Field School is now accepting applications! Come explore the Fortress of Louisbourg in beautiful Cape Breton, Canada and learn about one[...]


Summer 2020 – NSF-REU: Bioarchaeology of Bronze Age Social Systems

Jaime Ullinger & Lesley Gregoricka

We are pleased to announce that we are recruiting students for a National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU) opportunity, sponsored by NSF,[...]


Huari-Ancash Bio-Archaeological Project: Field School Peru 2020

Bebel Ibarra

Our research examines how changes in mortuary patterns were associated with transformations in the political and social organization between AD 200 and 1600. By applying[...]


Bioarchaeology I & II

Anna Osterholtz, Mississippi State University

If students are interested in gaining both osteological and field experience, they can enroll in both courses. The I&II option is set up as a[...]


Bioarchaeology in Croatia II

Anna Osterholtz, Mississippi State University

This is an excavation-based field school, offered as Mississippi State University’s class AN 3510 (6 credits). It will take place from June 13 through July[...]


Bioarchaeology in Croatia I

Anna Osterholtz, Mississippi State University

This is an intensive osteology and bioarchaeology lab methods course in Croatia offered in cooperation with the Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb. This is[...]


PhD Funding: The Shelley Saunders/Koloshuk Family Scholarship

Megan Brickley

The Shelley Saunders/Koloshuk Family Scholarship will be available again in 2020 for students applying to the PhD program in Biological Anthropology at McMaster University, Canada.[...]


Mortuary Archaeology Field School in Giecz, Poland

Dr. Mandy Agnew

The Mortuary Archaeology Field School in Giecz, Poland is accepting applications for the summer 2020 field season. Site Gz10 is an inhumation cemetery dating to[...]


SlicerMorph 3D Morphometrics and Image Analysis Winter Workshop application is now open

Murat Maga

Applications for the winter SlicerMorph workshop at is now open. This intense, hands-on workshop teaches open-source 3D Slicer visualization suite and the SlicerMorph extension for[...]


World Archaeological Congress 2020

John Krigbaum

The World Archaeology Congress for 2020 will be held in Prague next year (July 5th -10th) and we are hoping for strong representation from bioarchaeologists[...]


Digging anthropology in the Sanisera Necropolis (Menorca – Spain)

Sanisera Archaeology Institute

The Sanisera Archaeology Institute for International Field Schools offers an annual archaeology dig on the island of Menorca, off the coast of Spain. Since then[...]


Somaliland Forensic Anthropology Field School, January 2020


From January 11th to February 07th, 2020 Join EPAF in the exhumation and analysis of bodies from mass graves during this intensive 4-week field school.[...]


Workshop on Transdisciplinary Research on Incivility in STEM Contexts

Kate Clancy

The workshop “Transdisciplinary Research on Incivility in STEM Contexts” will take place October 17- 18, 2019, at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology,[...]


CARTA/KIBM present “Impact of Early Life Deprivation on Cognition: Implications for the Evolutionary Origins of the Human Mind”

Ingrid Benirschke-Perkins

Join the live webcast! “Impact of Early Life Deprivation on Cognition: Implications for the Evolutionary Origins of the Human Mind” is the topic of a free public[...]


AAPA 2020 Annual Meeting registration & abstract submission now open

Ed Hagen

You can now register for the 2020 AAPA Annual Meeting in Los Angeles and submit your abstract[...]


Olduvai Gorge Paleoanthropology Field School 2020

Charles Egeland

Under the auspices of the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, this program will provide young scholars with an exceptional study abroad experience at one of the[...]



Teresa Rosas

Course’MORPHOLOGICAL PHYLOGENETICS: PRINCIPLES, APPLICATIONS AND TECHNIQUES’ November 4th-8th, 2019, Crete (Greece) An accurate reconstruction of evolutionary relationships among species is the cornerstone of evolutionary biology.[...]

“The Origins of Syphilis in Europe”: December 2019 Conference in Paris, France

Antony Colombo

The conference will take place December 9-10, 2019, at the Collège de France in Paris, France. Abstract: The debate on the origins of venereal syphilis[...]

AAPA adopts a revised Code of Conduct

Anne L. Grauer

The revised AAPA Code of Conduct now applies to all AAPA-sponsored events. Click here to view the full[...]

AAPA announces new annual award for Communication & Outreach

Anne L. Grauer

The Executive Committee is pleased to announce the development of a new annual award: The AAPA Communication and Outreach Award. This award will be conferred[...]



Teresa Rosas

Course on ANATOMICAL NETWORK ANALYSIS (ANNA), Sept 23rd-27th, 2019, Barcelona (Spain) Place: Sabadell, Barcelona (Spain). Instructors: Diego Rasskin-Gutman (Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology,[...]

Donate to AAPA through AmazonSmile

Anne L. Grauer

The AAPA is now a registered non-profit organization with AmazonSmile, earning 0.5% of every purchase you make at smile.amazon.com. Select the American Association of Physical[...]

AJPA seeks a new Digital Fellow

Trudy Turner

The AJPA is soliciting applications for a Digital Fellow. The person selected will work with the editorial board and the Editor-in-Chief to share information about[...]


6/25 Webinar: “Exploring the Responsibility to Recontact”

Jennifer Wagner, current member of the AAPA Ethics and Science Policy Committees and chair of ASHG Social Issues Committee

Recently, the AAPA Executive Committee and the AAAG endorsed the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) statement on “The Responsibility to Recontact Research Participants after[...]

Understanding the NSF Broader Impacts Criterion and Developing the Societal Impact of Your Science

Holly Dunsworth

Rebecca Ferrell and and Holly Dunsworth held a panel/workshop at this past year’s AAPAs on Broader Impacts: http://physanth.org/annual-meetings/past-meetings/88th-annual-meeting-2019/workshops-and-other-events-88th-annual-aapa-meeting-cleveland-ohio/understanding-nsf-broader-impacts-criterion-and-developing-societal-impact-your-science/ They developed a handout with many useful[...]

6th International Anthropological Congress of Dr. Aleš Hrdlička in Humpolec, Czech Republic

Czech Anthropological Society

On behalf of the Czech Anthropological Society, I would like to invite you to 6th International Anthropological Congress of Dr. Aleš Hrdlička in Humpolec, Czech[...]


Geometric Morphometrics and Phylogeny, Sep 9-13, Barcelona.

Teresa Rosas

Transmitting Science course “Geometric Morphometrics and Phylogeny” has open registration. Dates: September 9th-13th, 2019, Barcelona. Instructor: Dr. Chris Klingenberg (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) Place:[...]


CARTA presents “Anthropogeny: The Perspective from Africa”

Ingrid Benirschke-Perkins

Join the live webcast! “Anthropogeny: The Perspective from Africa” is the topic of a free public symposium hosted by the UCSD/Salk Center for Academic Research[...]