News - AABA
Call for Nominations: Rohlf Medal for Excellence in Morphometric Methods and Applications
Eric Delson
The Rohlf Medal for Excellence in Morphometric Methods and Applications was established in 2006 by the family and friends of F. James Rohlf to mark[...]
National Institute on Aging Funding Opportunities for Comparative Primate Life Span Studies to Improve Human Health
Carol Nguyen, Scientific Program Specialist, National Institute on Aging
The National Institute on Aging has recently announced two new funding opportunities with targeted funding for research on determinants of differences among human and nonhuman[...]
Workshop on Bayesian Methods in Science Education
Mine Dogucu, Monika Hu, and Amy Herring
Application for the Bayes BATS program is now open at . BATS is a three-tiered program geared at STEM educators who would like[...]
Survey: Carer duties and career choices in the field sciences
Amy Rector
This survey is part of a research study to understand the decisions and experiences of people who are in disciplines that include fieldwork, and who[...]
Dear all, there are still places left on the 2nd edition of the 2-day course “Introduction to R Shiny” in January (10th-11th) After completing the[...]
Cobb Professional Development Grants due January 16, 2023
Lauren Schroeder
Are you an early career researcher (postdoctoral scholar, lecturer, or Assistant Professor)? Do you have a research idea that requires funding? Consider applying for a[...]
In Memoriam
Leslea Hlusko
Every year, AABA recognizes colleagues in Biological Anthropology who passed away since our last annual meeting. If you know of a colleague who should be[...]
AAAS-DoSER December Dialogue: Celebrating all that we are: A conversation on sex, gender and identity (Dec7 5:30-7:00pm ET)
Rob O'Malley
December 7, 2022, 5:30 – 7:00pm ET Washington, DC & Virtual Conversations about identity can be particularly challenging when they intersect with biology, culture[...]
CARTA presents, “Imagining the Future of Anthropogeny”
Lindsay Hunter, UC San Diego/Salk Center for Academic Research & Training in Anthropogeny
CARTA presents, “Imagining the Future of Anthropogeny” FREE & ONLINE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2022 (12:00–4:30 p.m., Pacific) Summary: Anthropogeny,” the study of human origins, is[...]
National Park Service Seeks Comment on Proposed NAGPRA Regulations
Steve Leigh
Dear representatives of museum and scientific organizations, The National NAGPRA Program is reaching out to you concerning the recently published proposed rule to amend the[...]
New solicitations, requirements and opportunities – NSF Biological Anthropology Program
Rebecca Ferrell
The NSF Biological Anthropology Program has published two solicitations: Revised Doctoral Dissertation solicitation: New Senior research solicitation (previously there was not a solicitation, just[...]
Application deadline extended to June 9th, 2022! FIAS fellowship Programme 2023-2024 call for applications
Raquel Sanz Barrio
Application deadline extended to June 9th, 2022, 6:00 pm (Paris, France time) The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the[...]
CARTA presents, “Humans: The Planet-Altering Apes”
Lindsay Hunter
CARTA presents, “Humans: The Planet-Altering Apes” FREE & ONLINE: FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2022 (12-4:30 p.m., Pacific) Summary: CARTA is a broad-based consortium of scholars interested[...]
NSF Event – Using the Rules of Life – Town Hall
R. Ferrell
In 2016, the National Science Foundation (NSF) unveiled a set of “Big Ideas,” 10 bold, long-term research and process ideas that identified unique opportunities to[...]
Call for Participants: Addressing Race and Racism in Anthropological Genetics and Genomics
Christopher Schmitt
Call for Participation Boston University Emerging Scholars Program: Addressing Race and Racism in Anthropological Genetics and Genomics From Galton’s work on heritability to the US[...]
Sponheimer ragedy
Eric Delson
As a result of the Marshall fire near Boulder, Colorado, paleoanthropologist Matt Sponheimer’s house was completely destroyed. His sister-in-law organized a “Go Fund Me” page[...]
AMNH Distinguished Lecture Panel – December 15
Ashley Hammond
The Division of Anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History will host the 2021 Distinguished Lecture in Anthropology virtually on Wednesday, December 15, at[...]
New 1-year MSc in Anthroengineering, delivered in collaboration with the Natural History Museum, London, UK
Michael Berthaume
A completely new academic course, MSC Anthroengineering, which for the first time brings together Engineering (the science and creation of technology) and Anthropology (the science[...]
The Journal of Human Evolution announces Early Career Researcher Paper Prize
Andrea B. Taylor
The Journal of Human Evolution (JHE) is excited to announce the launching of an Early Career Researcher Paper Prize. The first winner of this award[...]
University of New Mexico Anthropology Graduate Program Open House
Alisha Barber-Farless
On Thursday, November 4 at 4 pm the University of New Mexico Department of Anthropology will host a Graduate Program Open House event via Zoom.[...]
NSF funded Animal Behavior Summer program in Argentina for undergraduates
Eduardo Fernandez-Duque
U.S students are encouraged to apply to participate in the NSF International Research Experience for Students (IRES) Program titled “Behavioral Ecology, Demography and Conservation of[...]
Applications for BAEF fellowships for research in Belgium
Evie Vereecke
Applications for a 1 year PhD or postdoctoral fellowship from the Belgian-American Education Foundation are now OPEN. If you are a US citizen who is[...]
Seeking subject matter expert nominees: future of human welfare and societal change
Cory Clark
Hello! We apologize for this intrusion, but we are eager to capture the insights that experts in your field have to offer into a big-topic[...]
MSC in Human Evolution at Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK
Mark Grabowski
Liverpool John Moores University is now accepting applicants for a year-long MSc in Human Evolution to start in September 2022. This MSc employs cutting-edge approaches[...]
CARTA presents, “Comparative Anthropogeny: From Molecules to Societies”
Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), UC San Diego
Join the live webcast! “Comparative Anthropogeny: From Molecules to Societies” is the topic of a FREE, virtual public symposium hosted by the UCSD/Salk Center for[...]
Online workshop on 3D data & Morphosource September 9
Eric Delson (for Doug Boyer)
At the Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy annual meeting Workshop “How to make 3D data work for you: Managing 3D data, ensuring FAIR[...]
1st Paleopathology Association Webinar
Tina Jakob
The Paleopathology Association is organizing a series of free webinars that will address current issues in paleopathology. Join us for the first (of six) 1-hour[...]
NSF Bio Anthro welcomes rotator program director
Rebecca Ferrell
The National Science Foundation, Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Robin Bernstein as a rotator Program Director[...]
PNAS 2021 Call for Papers in Ancient Human Studies: Patterns and Processes in Hominin Evolution
Meredith Bastian
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is currently seeking research papers and perspectives on ancient human studies relating to patterns and processes[...]
Jornadas Nacionales de Antropología Biológica – Argentina
Rocio Garcia Mancuso
XV Jornadas Nacionales de Antropología Biológica (XVJNAB), will be held in the city of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 19-22, 2021. This is[...]